Radical single mom, and human rights crusader Lucy O’Bryan journeys to some of the least visited regions on the planet seeking a greater understanding of humanity. She attempts to uncover the struggles of everyday survival in some of the world’s harshest countries, while exposing the most basic truth of humanity - the love and the laughter that exists in us all.
About Lucy

As a Hollywood actress and single mom with stretched resources, Lucy O’Bryan took her young children to refugee camps and conflict zones to learn first hand about Human Rights issues. Standing in the middle of a refugee camp during the Kosovo war, with her eleven year old son by her side, she vowed to do whatever it took to become a voice for all victims of human rights violations. What she learned on this amazing journey, spanning 20 years and over 90 countries, is the impact and transformative effect of putting proactive, intentional love at the forefront of all humanitarian work. Lucy O’Bryan is a communications expert specializing in international human rights and economic empowerment issues, with a special emphasis on refugee crisis, human trafficking and women’s empowerment. In this role, she has worked with a wide range of institutions and organizations, including
the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Heifer International and various United Nations organizations. In Cameroon, while working on a school feeding program she urged the Ministry of Education to combat forced child marriage, and in Laos she helped create a human trafficking protection curriculum. In addition, she is an accomplished humanitarian photographer and has worked on every continent using photography to support human rights and economic development efforts. She firmly believes in the power of proactive love and challenges us to put that love into action to heal the world and bring freedom to the oppressed.
I have always been compelled to document this unfolding human drama. If I can somehow place myself in the middle of the story then maybe I’ll have some say in the outcome. By being involved, I might find an opportunity to do some small good.

We, who are more fortunate, can make a difference. I believe If one person can negatively affect the lives of millions (think about dictators), so too can one individual change the world for the better. Many of the people I meet have tragic stories of unimaginable pain. Yet they still have hope. Their hearts are broken but their spirits are not. If they can dream of a future built on a shattered past, what can we do to nurture that hope?